We want to thank all those that helped make this trip possible, we love you! :)

If want to hear more experiences and talk with us we have Skype, feel free to call us! we will answer any questions you have! :) Skype name is: Sdot7Rod

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Carib Territory!

Every Wednesday and sometimes saturdays we work the Carib territory which is south of Marigot. This territory requires a full morning of walking up and down steep hills and mountain sides. Even though the mountains can drain your energy quick the scenery and more than anything else the people you talk to and the spiritual food you give them is well worth it and refreshing! Here are some pictures that we were able to take out in the ministry, we dont get to take many pictures out in service often, but the ones we do we hope you enjoy!

Mountainside Village

Why Hello!

Model Village

Sister Jean Rivere

Hosea, Cartlon's in back of truck, Blandford's inside truck
 Here are some more pictures of the area and teriitory.

Lavender! :) We made tea with it!

Here are a couple of experiences we will share with you!

Anthony's Experiences:   Sister Roma LoBlack and myself were working in service in Wesley. As we were walking along a boy said with a loud voice :"Come say a prayer for us!" ( but by the tone of his voice he was very full of himself), So we walked down to him and his Family. Come to find out they had "Herd" that we don't say prayers, we decerned to share them the passage about why and how we dont show off like the Hypocrites (Matt.6:1-6) Talking with them more and them being very open and conversational, the daughter said: " I'm in Medical School and a Jehovahs Witness came in and they needed a blood transfusion, What is the reason? Tell me about that" . "First thing is first lets look at the Bible!" We said. Opened to (Acts.15:20,29), Then of course shared the feeling about having The Best HealthCare. The Points answered there questions and they said thank you for comming.  But really It was Soooo encouraging that they let alone asked the questions, but REALLY listened! I mean come on, How many times does that happen that when we talk to someone they Put down what they are doing and Get Their Bibles out and look up the scriptures with you!        Another Example: There are so many stores around (small food shops), going through our ministry we stop in and talk with the Owner. Well I decided to work on a certain Presentation that I have been preparing for them: How do you make your money at the shop? you need to buy the product, put it on display, advertise? Maybe make some of the things? that takes time and effort right? Read James.2:26 and then Read Gal. 5:19-21a,  and asked the question: How do you feel about these things listed here? "They are OK" she replied. I asked her, "Fornication is ok? drunken bouts are ok?" She said, "Well I guess (not sure of herself)". "Well let me finish the verse here (read Gal.5:21b), How do you think Jehovah feels about the practices of these things?  She got the point.    So it is going well and I'm learning so many things to help and to get better at, Since we all need it!  :)

S.Diego Experiences:  The first one was when I was in Wesley with brother Henderson. We worked the top road in Wesley and we came up to a broken down bus with 5 guys hanging out playing checkers. So I said, "I call next game!" and they all started to laugh! :) It was like they were laughing at me because they knew i had no chance I knew if I were to play I would get destroyed! :) hahaha! After we all had our laughs I started to talk with them about the hope we have for the future, and before I got any farther one guy asked, "Well how do I know if you are telling me the truth and if you are not lying." So i said good question and said, you know Jesus told us to do exactly what you just asked me... to "test the inspired expression" (1 John 4:1) So I continued and read Matthew 7: 15-23, which talks about how you will be able to recognize the true religion by its fruits. To make a long story short, we talked for half of the morning and the next time I am back in the area I will continue our discussion. Well in the meantime during this entire discussion an older gentleman was listening to the entire thing and came up to me afterwards and asked if I could study the bible with him and of course I said YES! That by far has been the best feeling I have experienced out in service so far! the bible study came to me! :) 
     The other experience that came up happened right in Marigot. Brother Hosea Durceay and I came up to an auto shop and went in the to preach to whoever was there. I saw a bright light and I knew that a guy was welding, I immediatly got excited seeing how I love welding. :) Once he finished his job he welcomed us and we had a nice conversation about what we need to apply personally in our lives in order to enjoy the blessings Jehovah has in store for us. After he willing accepted all of the information he asked if I could weld and I said yes, so he then said well can you finish this truck for me. I would have gladly said yes but seeing how i was out in service and in my good clothes I had to say no :( Although he said anytime that you feel like welding just drop by and help me out! I invited him to the meeting Sunday for the public talk and he seemed eager and ready to attend! I will see if he attends...